The 8th Steering Committee meeting

Today, the Steering Committee meeting was a great success! The discussions centered around key milestones and future actions, and we’re thrilled with the commitment and collaboration from all participants. Everything went smoothly, and the progress made is a testament to the dedication of everyone involved.

Meeting with the Collective Handlers

On 12th November 2024, we had a very fruitful meeting with the Collective Handlers. The discussion was engaging and productive, focusing on fine-tuning the details of the upcoming PBB system. The PROs have shown their support, and together we are committed to working hard to clarify the specifics that will ensure the future Law on…

5th Steering Committee Meeting

The 5th Steering Committee meeting on the 5th of March was a resounding success! The session proved to be highly productive, marked by the successful presentation of our accomplishments from the previous quarter and the meticulous articulation of our strategic plan and forthcoming deliverables. The presentation and all the deliverables presented were approved from the…

Second Meeting of the Working Group on the PBB

The meeting of the Working Group tasked with defining the establishment and operational criteria of the Producer Balancing Body (PBB) took place on Wednesday 14th February 2024. The meeting was characterized by a highly constructive and vibrant discussion, with active participation and interaction from all PRO representatives in attendance. They were also invited to share…

Kickoff Meeting of the Working Group on the PBB

The kickoff meeting of the Working Group tasked with defining the establishment and operational criteria of the Producer Balancing Body (PBB) took place on Thursday 18th January 2024. Representatives from various producer responsibility organizations (PROs) took part in this important event which marked the first in the series of sessions that will eventually define the…

Study Tour, Budapest

Following the two-day program in Vienna, the Study Tour continued in Budapest from June 15th. The delegation was hosted by the The Blue Planet Foundation. Budapest program of the study tour primarily focused on waste management technologies related to the EPR system, allowing participants to familiarize themselves with these aspects. First, they visited the waste…